Potchefstroom residents share a treasured heritage – the iconic Oak Avenue, a historic lane stretching through the city. Many locals have passionate ties to this place, recognizing its inherent value and its contribution to the city's unique charm.
The Significance of Oak Avenue
To the people of Potchefstroom, the oak trees symbolize the very essence of their city, representing one of its major attractions. This avenue isn’t just a visual spectacle; it has been designated a Heritage Area, indicating its significant value to the community.
Sadly, not all is well in this historic lane. A recent survey paints a worrying picture: almost 40% of these majestic oaks are struggling for survival, with many already dead or dying.
Continued action is required by the entire Potchefstroom community to save these trees.
Why Preserve the Oaks?
Contrary to popular belief, these sturdy giants need our care. Beyond natural threats such as droughts and diseases, urbanization and pollution are negatively affecting the oaks. Heavy traffic, soil compaction, and the relentless construction of buildings have jeopardized the trees' survival.
A Great History
Originating in 1910, the Oak Avenue is a testament to Potchefstroom's rich heritage. When they were declared a national monument in 1977, it was said that these oaks lend "dignity and an aesthetic character" to the streets they adorn. One can only wonder how barren the streets would look without them.
Heritage Area
Given that these oak trees are protected as a Grade II Heritage Area, causing them any harm is illegal.
Furthermore, trees play a crucial environmental role by regulating air quality, influencing the local climate, capturing greenhouse gases like carbon, and releasing oxygen.
Challenges Facing the Oaks
By 1980, it was evident that the oak trees were suffering. Research pointed to a lack of groundwater as a primary cause, exacerbated by the closure of Potchefstroom's water system in 1972. Urban developments leading to increased impermeable surfaces meant that most water ended up in stormwater drains, rarely reaching the trees' roots.
Despite the city council's best efforts, including installing an irrigation system, factors like vandalism and unchecked paving have hampered their initiatives.
Trees are Life
Remember, these trees host a myriad of creatures. As Munia Khan aptly put it, "Trees exhale for us so that we can inhale them to stay alive".
Kindly avoid harming our oaks with signage and steer clear of using nails or screws. Ensure that soil isn't stacked against a tree's base; instead, create a tree well for its health and longevity.
How Can You Help?
For property owners with oaks:
Regularly water the trees.
Refrain from paving or parking under them.
Create a garden beneath the oaks to ensure they receive regular water and attention.
Plant Your Tree
For those interested in planting an oak tree in the Historic Oak Avenue, contact us at eikelaanpotch@gmail.com or call/WhatsApp at 082 775 8477.
Support Our Cause
Only through the community's backing can we sustain such a campaign. Support us, and let's together safeguard Potchefstroom's historic Oak Avenue! After all, trees offer a slew of benefits, with climate control being one. Be vigilant against threats like termites and consider growing your own oak tree.
Financial Support
Currently, our pressing need is funds. One solution involves installing water-permeable surfaces in high-traffic areas, costing nearly R35,000 per tree. However, the expenses don't stop there, with ongoing research suggesting necessary infrastructure changes.
We rely on your support to save our oaks. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.
View The Oak Avenue Online
Here you can find and connect with this good Cause:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PotchOakAvenue
Website: https://eikelaan.wixsite.com/potch