This morning, many Potchefstroom residents found themselves without power, as a large part of the town is affected by a technical issue at one of the power stations. Municipal authorities are working to identify the cause and will provide more information as soon as possible.
Water Supply Issues in Potchefstroom
Potchefstroom is also facing water supply challenges in areas such as Meul Street, Heilige Akker, and the Stillwater Complex on Hennie Bingle Street. Current measures include redirecting water from across the river to these areas. A recent water connection in the Gerrit Dekker Street development led to supply adjustments in the same area earlier in the week, but officials have clarified that the present issue is unrelated.
Throughout the day, municipal teams have been working to address the water supply issue, though answers remain limited. Alderman Bertus Le Roux has been in contact with Disaster Management, seeking support to identify the cause. Some areas are experiencing low water pressure, while others have no water access at all.
Efforts are ongoing, and arrangements are underway to bring water tankers to affected areas today if the issue persists. Authorities had hoped the matter would have been resolved sooner but are committed to finding a swift solution.
Residents are assured that all resources are being utilized to restore water access, and officials apologize for the inconvenience.
Information provided by
Bertus Le Roux, Ward 25
Werner van Onselen, Ward 23
Vanoggend het baie inwoners van Potchefstroom wakker geword sonder krag, met 'n groot deel van die dorp wat geraak word deur 'n tegniese probleem by een van die kragstasies. Die munisipale owerhede werk daaraan om die oorsaak vas te stel en sal meer inligting verskaf sodra dit beskikbaar is.
Waterprobleme in Potchefstroom
Potchefstroom ondervind tans ook waterprobleme in areas soos Meulstraat, Heilige Akker, en die Stillwater-kompleks in Hennie Bingle straat. Water word tans oor die rivier herlei om die toevoer na hierdie areas te verseker. ’n Onlangse wateraansluiting in die Gerrit Dekkerstraat-ontwikkeling het vroeër die week tot voorsieningsaanpassings gelei, maar amptenare het bevestig dat die huidige probleem nie daarmee verband hou nie.
Munisipale spanne werk reeds die hele dag om die waterprobleem aan te spreek, hoewel antwoorde beperk bly. Raadslid Bertus Le Roux het met Rampbestuur gekontak en vra ondersteuning om die oorsaak vas te stel. Sommige areas ondervind lae waterdruk, terwyl ander geen toegang tot water het nie.
Pogings gaan voort, en daar word gereël om vandag watertenkwaens te voorsien indien die probleem voortduur. Owerhede het gehoop dat die probleem reeds opgelos sou wees, maar bly verbind tot ’n vinnige oplossing.
Inwoners kan verseker wees dat alle beskikbare hulpbronne gebruik word om watertoevoer te herstel, en amptenare vra om verskoning vir enige ongerief.
Inligting deurgegee deur
Bertus Le Roux, Wyk 25
Werner van Onselen, Wyk 23
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