The local school and youth community is buzzing with excitement, and for a very good reason!

Dewald Coetsee Makes Us Proud
Congratulations and best wishes to Dewald Coetsee, a Scholar at Potchefstroom Gimnasium, who will be participating in the World U16 Chess Olympiad in Eindhoven, Netherlands from the 12th to 19th of August. This is an incredible achievement, especially considering that he's one of only eight players selected to represent South Africa on this global stage.
A Remarkable Achievement
Being chosen to participate in such an esteemed international event is no small feat. The World U16 Chess Olympiad attracts the brightest young minds from around the globe, all vying for the top spot. Dewald's selection underscores his dedication, skill, and the hours of hard work he has put into mastering the game of chess.

Local Support
Using the tags " #gimmieschess - #gimmieexcellence and #gimmiepride the local community has been showing their overwhelming support and pride for Dewald on social media. These tags resonate with the spirit of excellence that our youth embodies, and the immense pride we feel when one of our own shines on an international platform.

Potchefstroom Hooting for Dewald
Let's all rally behind Dewald as he takes on the best of the best in Eindhoven. We're confident that he'll give it his all and make us even prouder. Go, Dewald!