Redwood College Potchefstroom, 'n Christelik-gebaseerde privaatskool in die akademiese stad Potchefstroom, het 'n ryke geskiedenis wat terugstrek tot 1993. Die skool het begin as Agape Christian School met slegs 23 leerders. Met 'n sterk grondslag in geloof en onderwys, het die skool oor die jare heen gegroei en ontwikkel.
In 2019 het die skool 'n nuwe hoofstuk betree toe dit deel van die Redwood College-familie geword het. Met hierdie oorgang het die skool se naam verander na Redwood College Potchefstroom. Hierdie verandering het nuwe geleenthede en groei meegebring vir die skool en sy leerders.
'n Nuwe Begin in 2020
Die jaar 2020 het nog 'n belangrike mylpaal vir Redwood College Potchefstroom ingelui. Die skool is geseën met 'n eiendom aan die buitewyke van Potchefstroom, wat vir die eerste keer 'n plek gegee het wat hulle hul eie kon noem. In Januarie 2020 het die skool na hierdie nuwe perseel verhuis, vanwaar dit steeds funksioneer.
Die nuwe ligging het nie net fisiese ruimte verskaf nie, maar ook 'n plek waar die skool se visie en missie verder kan groei. Dit was 'n simboliese stap vorentoe vir die skoolgemeenskap, wat die begin van 'n nuwe era van groei en ontwikkeling aandui.
'n Unieke Benadering tot Onderwys
Redwood College Potchefstroom is trots op sy geïndividualiseerde onderrigstelsel, wat leerders in staat stel om onafhanklik te werk binne 'n koesterende, gedissiplineerde en gestruktureerde omgewing. Hierdie benadering stel leerders in staat om op hul eie pas te leer, terwyl hulle steeds die nodige ondersteuning en leiding ontvang.
Adres: Plot 2, Turfvlei, Modderdam, Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom, South Africa
Telefoon: 018 011 9585
Honouring Excellence at Redwood Schools
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At Redwood Schools, we take immense pride in recognising the gifts and talents that our learners bring to the community. This week, we celebrated their achievements with a special focus on both academic excellence and Christ-like character. These learners are shining examples of living with faith, purpose, and determination.
Celebrating Christian Character 💙🙏
The Christian Character Awards acknowledge learners who have displayed values such as kindness, humility, and integrity. Congratulations to:
Junior Christian Character: Orefemetse Seleke and Christian Mtombeni
Senior Christian Character: Nthabiseng Mallela and Lina Kankolongo
These learners reflect God’s glory in their daily lives and inspire others to do the same.
Recognising Academic Excellence 📚✨
The Dux Awards celebrate outstanding academic achievements, and this year’s recipients are:
Junior Dux: Thando Gqogqa
Senior Dux: Lina Kankolongo
Through their dedication and hard work, they’ve shown that excellence is achievable with focus and determination.
Inspiring Faith and Purpose 🌟
These awards go beyond recognition—they remind us of the importance of living with faith, purpose, and excellence. To Orefemetse, Christian, Nthabiseng, Lina, and Thando: your achievements inspire us all, and we are so proud of you!May your journey continue to reflect the values of Redwood Schools and encourage others to strive for their best.
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#RedwoodSchools #ExcellenceInEducation #FaithAndPurpose #RedwoodCollege #CelebratingLearners #PotchGazette #TheGoToGuy #StroomStories #Potchefstroom #SkoolKompas
Announcing Our School Ambassadors for 2025!
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We are thrilled to introduce the School Ambassadors for 2025—a group of learners who embody faith, character, and excellence in everything they do. These remarkable individuals have been carefully selected to represent our school, upholding its values and serving as role models for their peers.
Leading with Purpose and Integrity
The new ambassadors were chosen not only for their achievements but also for their dedication to living out the school’s core values. They exemplify leadership, integrity, and a commitment to making a positive impact within the school and the broader community.
“We trust that God will guide them in their journey as ambassadors, equipping them with wisdom and strength to inspire those around them,” said a spokesperson for the school. 🙏✨
Meet the Ambassadors
Here are the learners who will represent the school as ambassadors in 2025:
Back Row (left to right):
Nthabiseng Mallela
Akhumuzi Rheretyane
Onthatile Pelo
Josh Grove
JJ Makgale
Buhle Hlongwane
Lina Kankolongo
Front Row (left to right):
Lefentje Maputle
Jenine Lebona
Thandiwe Nhlapo
A Commitment to Excellence
As ambassadors, these learners will serve as a bridge between the school and the community, embracing opportunities to lead and inspire. Their roles will involve representing the school at events, fostering unity among students, and championing initiatives that align with the school’s mission.
Congratulations and Best Wishes! 🎉
To our 2025 ambassadors, congratulations on this significant achievement! Your dedication and leadership are an inspiration to us all. May your journey be filled with opportunities to grow, serve, and make a lasting impact.
🎉🙌 🎉🙌 🎉🙌 🎉🙌 🎉🙌 🎉🙌
#SchoolAmbassadors2025 #FaithAndExcellence #LeadingWithIntegrity #PotchGazette #TheGoToGuy #StroomStories #Potchefstroom #SkoolKompas
Redwood College Learners Take on the Egg Project Challenge
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At Redwood College, we believe that nurturing responsibility is a crucial part of learning. This was recently demonstrated during our fun and insightful Egg Project, where learners were tasked with taking care of an egg as if it were their own pet. The project, which seemed simple at first, turned out to be more challenging than most expected, showing the true nature of responsibility in a practical and engaging way.
A Test of Patience and Care
The Egg Project asked learners to protect and nurture an egg for several days, keeping it safe from harm and treating it with the same care they would give a living pet. The exercise quickly revealed how delicate and demanding such a task can be.🐣Many learners were surprised by the constant attention their "egg pets" required, from ensuring the eggs were safe in their containers to preventing accidental cracks.
A Fun Yet Educational Experience
By the end of the project, only three eggs survived the challenge! Despite the difficulty, our learners showed great commitment, and those who managed to keep their eggs intact learned valuable lessons about responsibility, patience, and care. Even those whose eggs didn’t make it had a positive experience, learning from their mistakes and understanding the importance of attention to detail.
Proud of Our Learners
We are incredibly proud of all the learners who took part in this project. The Egg Project not only brought out their nurturing side but also showed them how something as simple as caring for an egg can teach lifelong lessons about responsibility. We look forward to more such engaging activities that help our learners grow in meaningful ways.
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#RedwoodCollege #RedwoodSchools #EggProject #LearningResponsibility #PotchGazette #TheGoToGuy #StroomStories #Potchefstroom #SkoolKompas
A Day of Fun at Redwood College Market Day
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What an unforgettable Market Day at Redwood College! The event was filled with energy, excitement, and a true sense of community. Learners, parents, and staff came together for a day that celebrated the vibrant spirit of our school.
The day was packed with highlights, from delicious food and refreshing drinks to the lively spring colour run that got everyone moving and laughing.🍕🍩🍔🥛 The face painting stations were a hit, and the exciting races added an extra dose of fun for all ages.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who worked tirelessly to organise the event. Your dedication and hard work made the day a massive success, bringing families together and strengthening the bonds within our school community.
The smiles and joy shared by everyone in attendance were a testament to the impact of your efforts.We look forward to more events like these, where learners and parents can come together to create memories that last a lifetime.👨👩👧👦
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#RedwoodSchools #RedwoodCollege #MarketDayFun #CommunitySpirit #PotchGazette #TheGoToGuy #StroomStories #Potchefstroom #SkoolKompas
'n Dag van Pret en Gees by Redwood College se Markdag
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Redwood College het weer bewys hoekom hulle 'n skool is wat vol lewenskrag en gees is! 🌟 Die leerders het 'n ongelooflike markdag aangebied, wat gekenmerk was deur energie, opwinding en 'n sterk gemeenskapsgevoel. 🎉 Dit was nie net 'n geleentheid vir die leerders om hul entrepreneuriese talente te wys nie, maar ook 'n kans vir ouers om die skool beter te leer ken en te sien wat Redwood College alles bied.🏫
'n Hoogtepunt van die Dag: Mini Color Run
As deel van die dag se verrigtinge, het die skool 'n mini color run gereël—'n prettige en kleurvolle manier om die kinders te betrek en hulle te wys wat 'n color run behels. Die leerders het dit baie geniet, en dit het net nog meer bygedra tot die feestelike atmosfeer van die dag.🎨
Sluit Aan by die Redwood College-familie
Registrasies by Redwood College is regdeur die jaar oop! 🗓️Hierdie markdag het weereens gewys hoekom die skool 'n uitstekende keuse is vir ouers wat hul kinders 'n toekoms vol geleenthede wil bied. 🌱
By Redwood College is daar nie net 'n fokus op akademiese uitnemendheid nie, maar ook op die ontwikkeling van elke kind se volle potensiaal in 'n dinamiese en ondersteunende omgewing.Kom sluit aan by die Redwood College-familie en word deel van iets besonders!
#RedwoodCollege #MarkdagPret #Geesvang #SkoolOpedag #PotchGazette #TheGoToGuy #StroomStories #Potchefstroom #SkoolKompas
Redwood College Senior Netbalspanne Wys Ware Sportmangees
In 'n pragtige vertoning van sportmangees en samehorigheid het Redwood College se twee senior netbalspanne onlangs kragte gemeet teen Tegnies Hoërskool in 'n reeks vriendelike wedstryde. Hierdie wedstryde is gespeel met groot geesdrif en passie, en het die spanne se vermoë om as 'n eenheid op te tree en mekaar te respekteer, ten toon gestel.
Die atmosfeer was gevul met energie, en beide spanne het hul beste gegee. Dit was nie net oor die telling nie, maar oor die waarde van spanwerk en die bou van verhoudings op die veld. Hierdie soort kompetisie versterk die bande tussen skole en wys wat sport regtig behoort te wees—'n viering van talent, samewerking, en gesonde kompetisie.
Redwood College sien uit na nog vele wonderlike wedstryde wat voorlê. Dit is duidelik dat die spelers nie net hul sport verbeter nie, maar ook lewensvaardighede ontwikkel wat hulle vir altyd sal bybly.
#redwoodschools #redwoodcollege #Thyegotoguy #SchoolSport