It is with great excitement that The Go-To Guy announces the imminent launch of the Potch Daily Meals page, a space created for you to find the menus and offerings of prepared meal providers in Potchefstroom.

Why a Potch Daily Meals Service?
The Go-To Guy saw that there are many excellent meal providers in Potchefstroom, and that there are equally many residents wanting to order meals from these providers, not just because we do not want to prepare meals anymore but also because these service providers actually have fantastic menus that are difficult to replicate at home, nevermind the taste part but also the cost part.
The Benefit for Residents
The Go-To Guy also saw that many residents constantly asking where they can find daily menus on the various Social Media platforms, and then having to visit different sites and pages to find meals of the day, how to order, where to collect, there had to be a better way and today we are creating that for the residents of Potchefstroom, a central place where you can find different meal providers and their updates, making it easier for you to decide what meal you want to order and from which provider.
The Benefit for Meal Providers
For providers of meal services this also eases the interaction with clients and allows a easy manner to upload their menus, the ordering process as well as the communication with clients and potential clients.
We will communicate when the service is active
All that remains is to say "Bon Apetite Potchefstroom"