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Blog and News Post The Go-To Guy

Calling all Local Musicians and Bands

Are you a local Musician or Band in the greater Potchefstroom area?

Here at The Go-To Guy we want to create a corner where all Musicians and Bands in the local scene can create their own forum page, which we will promote and market in our's a free service with the aim to have a Jam Junction where bands, fans and venues can discover and engage, aimed at getting you more gigs.

So simply click the "Create New Post" on this forum and fire away and tell the community of this page about you, your band and what you do... you can also add Videos. Photos and Links in the post that you create... and below we have some pointers that could possibly get you started and frame your mind when creating the post.

  • What is your name or the name of the band

  • What type of music do you play, do you play covers and your own music

  • How can venues get in touch with you

  • Tell a bit about your history as a Musician or Band

  • What inspired you to pursue a career in music

  • What have been some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as a musician

  • What is the best part of being a local musician

  • What has been the most rewarding moment of your musical career so far?

  • How do you promote your music to local fans

  • What advice would you give to aspiring local musicians

  • What do you think needs to be done to better support local musicians

We can also write something for you if you find it difficult to shape your story, simply send us as much detail as possible by sending us a mail to

Looking forward to hearing from you

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