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LPG Gas Prices in Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp

Updated: Jul 28, 2022

Every year, winter especially, there is a surge in people wanting to know what the price of gas should be in South Africa, and especially when it gets really cold, this as more of us reach out for our gas heaters to heat up our homes and our chilling bones.

In this article we share with you some facts on LPG gas prices in South Africa, specifically LPG Gas prices in Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp.

The LPG Gas prices as published by Department of Energy is not the same across the country, and indeed for LPG Gas as well as fuel prices the country is divided into different zones, and prices for LPG Gas is set against each zone.

Important to understand is that the published price is the maximum price that a retailer may charge for LPG Gas, and retailer may charge less than this price but not more, very important to understand is that this published price includes VAT.

Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp falls under the zone referred to as 9C, and if you wish to view the entire grid map you can find the PDF Map of the Grids below:

The Go-To Guy LPG Gas Prices Zoning Map
Download PDF • 3.94MB

LPG Gas Prices in Potchefstroom and Klerksdorp

LPG Gas prices are regulated and each month the Department of Energy publishes these prices for all retailers across the country on their website, which you can view by clicking here, these prices are published in cents per kilogram, and the price as published for the periods as we update them are as follows:

  • June 2022 is at 3,714 cents per kilogram, thus R37,14 per kilogram, and the standard gas bottle of 9 kg should cost you no more than R334.26 VAT Included. (Valid to 6th July 2022)

  • July 2022 is at 3,496 cents per kilogram, thus R34,96 per kilogram, and the standard gas bottle of 9 kg should cost you no more than R314.64 VAT Included. (Valid to 2nd August 2022)

For reference here are the published prices over the years for June of each year:

  • 2012: R 20.25

  • 2013: R 22.89

  • 2014: R 25.01

  • 2015: R 22.17

  • 2016: R 21.58

  • 2017: R 21.44

  • 2018: R 23.84

  • 2019: R 26.57

  • 2020: R 21.29

  • 2021: R 27.21

  • 2022: R 37.14

You can also download the current price as published at start of July 2022 below.

The Go-To Guy LPG-Regulations
Download PDF • 142KB

Take Our Poll

We thought we would also add the poll below to determine if retailers are actually charging customers the right price as published by the Department of Energy, let us know by simply selecting your experience on pricing below (Vote and you will see the results of all voters to date)

Do you pay the published price at your outlet that you currently use?

  • My supplier charges the correct price

  • My supplier charges more than the published price

  • My supplier charges less than the published price

  • I don't actually know

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