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Blog and News Post The Go-To Guy

Start Recycling at Home

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

It is best if we start recycling today for a better environment. Recycling reduces air and water pollution.

By recycling we can turn old products into new useful products, and it is a way for people to earn a living.

How to start recycling:

  • Rinse all materials that you want to recycle.

  • Compost your organic waste and use it as fertiliser.

  • Stop using plastic shopping bags. Switch to reusable bags.

  • Have a positive mind set about recycling. Shifting your focus to awareness.

  • Not all materials can be recycled. Do your research on what can be recycled and what not.

  • Separate your waste to make recycling easier for yourself. Get five different colour bins one for paper, organic, metal, glass, and plastic waste.

Here are a few reasons why we should recycle:

  • Recycling creates great job opportunities.

  • Combat greenhouse gasses by getting rid of the waste.

  • Landfills that contribute to air pollution will get smaller when we start to recycle.

  • The accumulation of waste is a global problem. Very soon al nations will run out of space to dump their waste. And let us face it, waste is not good for the environment.

  • Save a tree. By recycling one ton of paper, we can save up to 17 trees and 64352 L of water. By saving trees we ensure a well-balanced level of carbon dioxide.

  • Almost everything we use can be recycled. Food waste can be turned in to compost. Glass can be reused, and paper and plastic can be recycled.

  • Manufacturing companies that make use of recycling save on energy and water.

  • At the rate that people are dumping their waste, we can soon run out of space to dump all the waste.

  • The use of recycled products stops the dumping of waste in our lakes, rivers, dams, and ocean, which protect our wildlife.

What materials can we recycle:

  • Cans.

  • Glass.

  • Plastic.

  • Organic.

  • Paper and cardboard.

Examples of what can be recycled.

  • Glass.

  • Jam jars.

  • Plain drinking glasses.

  • Sauce and spice bottles.

  • Glass bottles such as wine bottles.


  • Paint cans.

  • Food cans.

  • Aerosol cans.

  • Beverage cans such as cool-drinks and beer cans.

Paper and cardboard:

  • Newspapers.

  • Long life cartons.

  • All types of books.

  • Magazines and flyers.

  • Office paper, such as printer paper, writing paper and envelopes.


  • Cling wrap and bubble wrap.

  • Soft plastic bags and packaging.

  • Plastic items such as garden chairs, buckets, and flowerpots.

  • Most plastic containers such as water bottles, milk bottles, etc.

What cannot be recycled:

  • Broken glass.

  • Dirty diapers.

  • Plastic cutlery

  • Garage waste.

  • Plastic shopping bags.

  • Plastic food wrapping.

  • Styrofoam containers, cups, and egg cartons.

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