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What should your CV Contain

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

What should you focus on for your CV as a job seeker

  1. Tailor your CV to the specific job you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant.

  2. Use a clear and easy-to-read format and font.

  3. Keep your CV concise and to the point, ideally no more than two pages.

  4. Include a personal statement that briefly summarizes your qualifications and career goals.

  5. List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job.

  6. Include specific accomplishments and achievements, rather than just listing your job duties.

  7. Emphasize your transferable skills, such as leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

  8. Include any education or certifications that are relevant to the job.

  9. Add any relevant volunteer experience or extracurricular activities.

  10. Proofread your CV multiple times to check for any spelling or grammar errors.

That being said, it's important to keep in mind that different jobs and industries have different needs and expectations. You may need to adapt and edit some of the above based on your field and the specific position you are applying to. And what should youinclude in my cover letter

  1. Tailor your cover letter to the specific job and company you are applying to.

  2. Address the letter to a specific person, if possible. Research the company to find the name and title of the hiring manager or the person in charge of the hiring process.

  3. Use a clear and professional format and font.

  4. Use an opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to read more.

  5. Include relevant information about your qualifications and experience that makes you a good fit for the position.

  6. Provide specific examples and evidence of how your skills and experiences match the job requirements.

  7. Explain why you are interested in the position and why you would be a great fit for the company.

  8. Use a professional and polite closing, thanking the hiring manager for considering your application and expressing your desire for an interview.

  9. Include your contact information so the hiring manager can easily get in touch with you.

  10. Proofread your cover letter multiple times to check for any spelling or grammar errors.

It's important to always include a cover letter when you are applying for a job, as it gives you an opportunity to convey your enthusiasm for the position and the company, and to explain why your skills and experience make you a good candidate for the role.

Here are a few resources for you as well on the site that you can use if you are job searching

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